Tree Reports: Everything You Need to Know

Tree Reports: Everything You Need to Know

23 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Tree reports are helpful if you are worried about the condition of a tree. If you're interested in finding out more about tree reports, please read on. 

What is a tree report?

A tree report is produced by a trained professional called an arborist. An arborist is someone who is trained to climb and assess trees. They can also remove damaged or dead branches. If a tree poses a danger to others, an arborist can fell it. A tree report is conducted by an arborist. The arborist will use special equipment to climb the tree so they can inspect the bark and the branches for decay or damage. In some instances, the arborist may also use equipment that can provide readings that relate to the interior of the tree. These readings allow for the investigation of internal problems within the trunk.

When might I need to commission a tree report?

There are a number of occasions when you may need to commission a tree report. For example, you may need to contact a tree service for the following reasons.

You plan to buy a property that contains trees

If you are planning to buy a property that contains trees, it is always a good idea to have a tree report completed before you sign on the dotted line and exchange deeds. Trees that are growing in the garden of a property can present a risk to nearby buildings. The primary risk is often created by the roots of the tree. As the roots of a tree grow and spread, they can damage the foundations of a building or interfere with utilities such as gas and water pipes. A tree report will allow you to rule out these issues before you purchase a property.

You have been involved in an accident involving a tree

If you have been injured by a falling branch or tree trunk, you will need a tree report as part of your compensation claim. Your accident attorney will need all the info they can get that proves that the tree was dangerous and that the owner of the tree did not take steps to protect the public. A tree report will provide evidence of any disease or damage which compromised the integrity of the tree in an unbiased and clear way.

If you're interested in finding out more about this subject, you should make contact with a local tree service today.

About Me
Tree Care and Maintenance Tips

Trees offer a property many wonderful benefits - while they are strong and healthy. But just like any living thing, trees can suffer when their health deteriorates, leaving them susceptible to diseases and pests. This is especially true for trees in an urban environment. To help your trees flourish and therefore give you and your property the maximum benefit, it's important to monitor your trees and provide them with care when necessary. But unless you understand trees, it's difficult to know what they need. We created this site for tree owners because we believe that trees are a valuable asset to both rural and urban areas. We hope to share tree care tips on topics such as pruning, tree health and general tree maintenance.
