Tree Damage Treatment: Hiring An Arborist To Avoid Cutting It Down

Tree Damage Treatment: Hiring An Arborist To Avoid Cutting It Down

27 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Trees are an aesthetically pleasing link to nature most Australians value having around their homes. From the cool shade they offer in the summers, to the fresh air they create all year round, trees are extremely valuable to their environment. However, pest infestations, harsh weather conditions and a variety of other natural occurrences can leave your tree damaged. This damage is generally easy to spot because it leaves discernable physical signs. Whether you are motivated by ecological thinking or have built beautiful memories around the tree in your yard, you are probably looking for a way to mitigate your tree's damage to avoid cutting it down. Here's everything you need to know.

Knowing When The Damage Is Serious

Mild tree damage can be caused by a variety of poor arboricultural practices, such as tree-dressing and aggressive pruning or construction and improper landscaping. This damage is usually noticeable in splits, cracks and calluses on the tree trunk and sunburns and mushroom growth around the tree base. If your tree has not gotten significantly thinner, started leaning to the side or the branches do not seem frailer, it is likely that your damage isn't significant. Mild damage can be solved by treating the tree for pests, watering and mulching the tree more frequently.

If you can spot root damage, yellowing leaves, suckers on the trunk and branches or large cavities, your tree may be suffering from more severe damage. Damaged or 'sick' trees are likely to have a few simultaneous symptoms, and additional clues like dead branches and scattered dead twigs should confirm your diagnosis.

How Your Certified Arborist Will Treat Your Tree

If your tree is wounded, your arborist will likely have to perform more than basic pruning to mitigate the damage. Your tree will attempt to compartmentalise, which entails it forming healthy calluses around the wound. Trees do not heal inside out. Instead, a protective layer covers the old wound and grows to protect the vulnerable spot. Your arborist will perform basic pest control to ensure termites or other pests do not compromise your tree's healing.

Your arborist may also choose to conduct bark-edging, in case the tree's wound has torn the trunk surface. This removes the dead or damaged tissue on the surface of a tree trunk, using a sharp knife. This practice requires relative expertise, considering exposing too much live tissue is likely to cause more damage.

A Concluding Word

The expertise of a trained arborist is essential to managing tree damage. To mitigate the harm caused by storms, pests, fungi infestations and other occurrences outside of your control, you will need a professional to provide the necessary treatment. From pruning to mild tree surgery, leaving your damage-control to the professionals is the safest and most effective way to provide new life to your injured tree.   

For more information, speak with an arborist

About Me
Tree Care and Maintenance Tips

Trees offer a property many wonderful benefits - while they are strong and healthy. But just like any living thing, trees can suffer when their health deteriorates, leaving them susceptible to diseases and pests. This is especially true for trees in an urban environment. To help your trees flourish and therefore give you and your property the maximum benefit, it's important to monitor your trees and provide them with care when necessary. But unless you understand trees, it's difficult to know what they need. We created this site for tree owners because we believe that trees are a valuable asset to both rural and urban areas. We hope to share tree care tips on topics such as pruning, tree health and general tree maintenance.
