Why Tree Felling Should Always Be Left To The Professionals

Why Tree Felling Should Always Be Left To The Professionals

12 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Australia has many beautiful and unique trees that give it a very distinctive profile, which many people absolutely adore. However, occasionally these trees pose a direct threat to property, storage or livestock and need to be removed. While there are many tutorials online about how to cut down a tree and dispose of it correctly, these always underplay just how dangerous tree felling can be. In reality, tree felling should always be left to the experts and here are a few reasons why.

Proper Equipment

Many of these online tips and tricks make it seem as if you can safely remove a tree with nothing more than an axe or a chainsaw. Those who have dealt with trees for a long time know that tree felling is one of the most dangerous tasks in the world and loggers consistently rank among the most hazardous jobs. This is because when you are dealing with objects that are hundreds of kilograms heavier than you and you put them through an extreme scenario that causes them to fall rapidly, things can and will go wrong. That is unless you have the proper support system and equipment. Cranes, strapping, specialised tools and the experience to know how to prepare a tree for felling are all important to ensure no human is put at risk during your tree removal.


Tree felling is often required due to a large number of trees in the way of a proposed construction or future agricultural plan. While tree felling is safer when away from property and people, it will still take you a very long time to clear a field full of trees on your own. With a tree felling service, you can get to the important part of this process, actually building the structure you want, far quicker due to an increase in manpower, familiarity with the tools and an understanding of how to dispose of the remains. After all, removing the trunk is only part of the problem, and you still need a plan for the stump. Tree felling services can grind that stump down to nothing in no time.


It really should be stressed over and over that tree felling is not a game or a fun hobby to just pick up. In many cases, tree felling is actually restricted to those with training and doing it on your own actually breaks the law. If you have family or neighbours and are trying to pull off a reasonably delicate tree removal (getting a tree to fall between two houses or away from the street, etc.) you are not only endangering your own safety but those of innocent bystanders. Getting a professional crew to come and take care of this pesky tree problem not only removes the bulk of this risk but also makes sure that all the proper paperwork to remove the tree will be filed and everything is above board with no chance of fines. Councils have been known to get litigious over unauthorised tree felling and having a professional on your side can be a significant blessing when it comes to avoiding sanctions.

About Me
Tree Care and Maintenance Tips

Trees offer a property many wonderful benefits - while they are strong and healthy. But just like any living thing, trees can suffer when their health deteriorates, leaving them susceptible to diseases and pests. This is especially true for trees in an urban environment. To help your trees flourish and therefore give you and your property the maximum benefit, it's important to monitor your trees and provide them with care when necessary. But unless you understand trees, it's difficult to know what they need. We created this site for tree owners because we believe that trees are a valuable asset to both rural and urban areas. We hope to share tree care tips on topics such as pruning, tree health and general tree maintenance.
